Zgłoszenie OSD jest to zgłoszenie do Operatora Systemu Dystrybucyjnego, czyli podmiotu odpowiedzialnego za dystrybucję energii elektrycznej na danym obszarze. Zgłoszenie OSD jest wymagane jeśli chcesz przyłączyć mikroinstalację odnawialnego źródła energii (np. fotowoltaikę) do sieci dystrybucyjnej. 

An OSD photovoltaic notification should include, among other things, the following information:

  • Name and address of the electricity recipient.
  • Electricity sales agreement number.
  • Name and address of the Distribution System Operator (OSD).
  • Connection agreement number or approval for connection.
  • Microinstallation location (address, plot number).
  • Installed microinstallation capacity.
  • Electrical diagram.
  • Type and brand of the inverter.
  • Planned date for connecting the microinstallation to the grid.

The OSD photovoltaic notification should be submitted to the Distribution System Operator within 14 days of changing the installed microinstallation capacity. 

Submitting an OSD notification is crucial if you want to benefit from having your own photovoltaic installation. An OSD notification allows you to:

  • Settle your electricity consumption through either a feed-in tariff system or net billing, which involves receiving compensation for excess energy fed into the grid or billing based on market energy prices.
  • Participate in programs like "Mój Prąd" (My Electricity) or other subsidies for photovoltaic installations.
  • - Avoid a penalty of 1000 PLN for failing to report changes in the installed microinstallation capacity.

Submitting an OSD notification is also a legal requirement under the Renewable Energy Sources Act.
