Forma wsparcia finansowego na zakup, montaż, budowę nowej lub modernizację już istniejącej
instalacji fotowoltaicznej (moc musi być zwiększona o min. 25%). Źródłem tego rozwiązania jest ustawa z
29 września 2022 roku o zmianie niektórych ustaw wspierających poprawę warunków mieszkaniowych,
mająca na celu realizację Krajowego Planu Odbudowy i Zwiększenia Odporności. WAŻNE: Dopóki się to
nie stanie, pieniądze płynąć będą z Polskiego Funduszu Rozwoju.
Eligible applicants for the grant include investors who own or manage a multi-family building, excluding local government units and budgetary units. Therefore, eligible applicants may include housing communities and housing cooperatives, among others.
What is the amount of financing?
⦁ 50% of the net investment costs if it applies to residential buildings only.
⦁ The product of the grant amount and the non-residential area share factor if there are non-residential areas or areas used for purposes other than residential or public tasks by public administration authorities in the same building.
How to apply for a grant?
Applications for the OZE Grant are accepted from February 1, 2023, to June 30, 2026, at the BGK (Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego), either in person or by mail. It is necessary to submit the appropriate application, a conceptual project for the implementation of the project, and other documents that are annexes to the application.
After a positive substantive assessment of the application and receiving a positive decision from BGK, the investor can begin implementing the investment and, upon completion, submit a request for the disbursement of financial funds.
Green Mark Sp. z o.o. assists its clients in preparing the appropriate set of documents.
TENANT PROSUMER - What does it entail, and why is it connected to the OZE GRANT?
Tenant prosumer is a project that allows for a change in the form of compensation received for excess energy (energy not used). The compensation format, which currently involves reducing energy bills by the seller, may be changed to transferring the value of that energy in monetary form to a designated account, such as the Community's account. The value of the energy will be determined based on the monthly market price of that energy.
Accumulated funds can be directly used to reduce the costs associated with maintaining the building (e.g., administrative fees, renovation fund, heating, waste disposal).
IMPORTANT: The installed photovoltaic installation may have a higher capacity than the common areas require. In such cases, the cumulative amount of generated electricity is greater, leading to increased savings.
It is crucial to verify the building's technical capabilities and choose an optimal solution that will fulfill its function and generate benefits for many years. Thanks to cooperation with various product distributors, we have the possibility to apply any technology available on the market to meet the investor's needs.
Green Mark Sp. z o.o. consists of qualified individuals with experience, certifications, and UDT certificates for designing and installing renewable energy solutions.
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Phone: +48 888 33 33 65